
The Flask-AutoIndex logo

Flask-AutoIndex generates an index page for your Flask application automatically. The result is similar to the one produced by the Apache module mod_autoindex, but the look is more awesome! Look at this:

The screenshot of index page generated by Flask-AutoIndex

This module contains a pre-designed template and CSS file which provide a default style. You can also design your own style.


Flask-AutoIndex uses Flask-Silk to serve icons. By default, the icons used are from Mark James’s Silk icon set. These icons are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 license or Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License. Before using the icons, read the license.


Version 0.6.4 requires Python >= 3.6; Versions < 0.6 also work with Python 2.

Install Flask-AutoIndex with pip:

$ pip install Flask-AutoIndex

or check out the development version:

$ git clone git://github.com/general03/flask-autoindex.git

How to Use

Flask-AutoIndex is easy and extensible. It supports flask application.

We will make the application in flask application. Basic usage:

import os.path
from flask import Flask
from flask_autoindex import AutoIndex

app = Flask(__name__)
AutoIndex(app, browse_root=os.path.curdir)

if __name__ == '__main__':

After running the application, http://localhost/ serves a generated index page which contains the file and directory list in current directory.

Or, use a shipped console script. Just type fai in the command line. (yes, fai is an acronym of Flask-AutoIndex):

$ fai
 * Running on


Routing a specified URL

Just like a normal flask application or module. Follow the example below:

def helloworld():
    return 'Hello, world!', 200

http://localhost/helloworld will serve Hello, world! not /helloworld directory.

Adding an icon rule

If you want *.feed files to use the rss.png icon and directories named pictures to use folder_picture.png icon, follow the example below:

idx.add_icon_rule('rss.png', ext='feed')
idx.add_icon_rule('folder_picture.png', dirname='pictures')

You can change the root directory’s icon to your own icon:

idx.add_icon_rule('http://example.org/favicon.ico', cls=RootDirectory)

Also you can add a more complex rule with a function:

import re
def is_flaskext(ent):
    return isinstance(ent, Directory) and re.match('[Ff]lask-', ent.name)
idx.add_icon_rule('http://example.org/flask-extension.png', is_flaskext)

Here is a nice example for changing a directory’s icon to the favicon.ico file inside it, if present:

def get_favicon(ent):
    favicon = 'favicon.ico'
    if type(ent) is Directory and favicon in ent:
        return '/' + os.path.join(ent.path, favicon)
    return False

See also


Changing Silk’s path

AutoIndex has **silk_options keyword arguments for Silk. If you want to use another path for serving silk icons, use the silk_path keyword argument:

idx = AutoIndex(app, silk_path='/myicons')

Now you can get a silk icon from http://localhost/myicons/folder.png not http://localhost/__icons__/folder.png.

See also

The documentation for Flask-Silk

Redesigning the template

AutoIndex.render_autoindex() finds the template from the application’s template directory first. When you made the autoindex.html to the application’s template directory, AutoIndex.render_autoindex() renders your template:

- myapplication
  - templates
    - autoindex.html
  - __init__.py
  - views.py

Your templates could extend the default Flask-AutoIndex’s template, named __autoindex__/autoindex.html. Here is a basic example:

{% extends '__autoindex__/autoindex.html' %}

{% block meta %}
  {{ super() }}
  <link rel="stylesheet"
    href="{{ url_for('static', filename='myautoindex.css') }}" />
{% endblock %}

{% block header %}
  <div style="width: 500px; margin: 30px auto;">
    <h2>My Application</h2>
{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
{% endblock %}

To get extra fields through to your template, pass them in the template_context keyword argument:

AutoIndex(app, template_context = dict(SITENAME = 'My cool site'))






The innerHTML of <head>.
The top of <body>.
The table for the entry list.
The bottom of <body>.


The current directory object.
The child entry list of curdir.
The sorting key.
Ascending order(1) or Descending order(-1).
The endpoint which renders a generated page.

Licensing and Author

This project is licensed under the MIT license since version 0.6.4. See LICENSE.md. Previous versions were licensed under the BSD license.

The main author is Heungsub Lee up to version 0.6.2, and David Rigaudie starting with version 0.6.4. Questions and patches are welcome, please use the issue tracker on the Flask-Autoindex GitHub repository.

Indices and tables